Due to some technical issues, the interview, "Healing from Rape with Manisha Ramdhin", that was conducted in the evening of Friday, 14 Aug 2020 was NOT streamed to Facebook Live as originally advertised.
Therefore, this recorded of the FULL INTERVIEW will be available online for a limited time.
A brief introduction:
"Manisha is the epitome of a modern-day woman: Single mom, business woman and fitness enthusiast.
But it was always like this - she was gang-raped as a teenager.
But despite her horrific experience, not only has she healed, but she has succeeded in her life, career and family. Her journey has led to her realize her role, which is to fight for the greater good, lead by example, empower action takers and guide women from pain to power. "
To get in touch with Manisha, please visit her group on Facebook, "The Call of the Wild Woman": www.facebook.com/groups/thecallofthewildwoman
Also, here is her free gift, the tool that she had used for the last 20 years to help her achieve her goals: https://www.map4life.com/ManishaRAMDHIN-GIFT
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